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Freesias – Red with yellow centre – 25 bulbs p-pack


SKU: 0070076100P Categories: , Tags: , ,
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Freesia is indigenous with perfumed flowers that bloom in bold and beautiful colours. It is well-suited to garden beds and containers.

Family name: Iridaceae

Common name: freesia 

Sun Exposure: Full sun and semi-shade 

Planting time: April to May

Flowering time: August to October 

Dormancy time: December to March

Lifting time: December 

Type (true bulb, rhizome, corm, etc): Corm

Mature height: 40cm

Planting depth: 3cm 

Planting spacing: 6cm

Lowest temperature: 5°C

Watering frequency: Water every three to four days for 10 minutes, provided it hasn’t rained. 

Position and soil: Plant in light, friable soil that is well-draining and add some sand if necessary. Suitable for growing in containers. A full sun position will keep the stems short, while a partially shaded position will cause the stems to stretch.



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