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Ranunculus – Mixed – Large – 15 bulbs p-pack


SKU: 0140090100P Categories: , Tags: , ,
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Ranunculus is a beautiful winter and spring-flowering flower, that offers multi-coloured blooms and glowing green foliage. Ranunculus make a spectacular cut flower. 

Family:  Ranunculaceae

Common name:  ranunculus, Persian buttercup, crowfoot

Sun Exposure:  Full sun and semi-shade

Planting time:  April to May

Flowering time:  July – September

Active growth:  June

Dormant:  December to March 

Lifting time:  December 

Type:  Tuberous root

Mature height: 30cm 

Planting depth:  3cm

Plant spacing:  12cm apart

Watering: Every 3-4 days when planted in the ground for 10 minutes (provided it hasn’t rained) and every 2-3 days when planted in pots.


Position and soil

Loosen the soil to a depth of 20cm before planting and add compost. This helps with lightning and aerating the soil. Mulch with compost. 



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