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Zantedeschia – Pillow Talk – 1 bulb p-pack


SKU: 4144311100P Categories: , Tag:

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Ideal for containers or raised beds, Zantedeschia will add a sophisticated flair to your surroundings.

Caution: It is toxic and must be kept away from children and pets.
Family name: Araceae
Name derived from: Named in honour of Giovanni Zantedeschi, an Italian botanist and physician.
Common name: Arum lily, calla lily
Sun Exposure: Full sun to semi-shade
Planting time: All year
Flowering time: Almost throughout the year
Dormancy time: Evergreen
Lifting time: No need to lift
Type (true bulb, rhizome, corm, etc): Rhizome
Mature height: 80cm
Planting depth: 5cm
Planting spacing: 1m
Lowest temperature: 0°C
Watering frequency: Every 2-3 days for 10 minutes, provided it hasn’t rained.
Position and soil: Plant in well-draining, humus-rich soil. Snow white makes a great clump in a garden or up against a pond.
Further Care: Add a top dressing of old manure in late summer.


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